Thank you to everyone for all your prayers and support in 2022! 감사합니다 여러분!
12/25/2022 Christmas morning 730am Rt 3 East Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ, Once again, it was an honor to serve the Lord together...
You are invited!
Dear Hana Mission families and friends, On behalf of Hana Mission staff and residents, I would like to thank you for your prayers and...
The Promise of God
9월 24일 토요일에 클로스터 스토어 오픈 감사 예배를 드렸습니다. 참석하신 여러분께 감사드립니다. 그리고 26일 월요일, 스토어 첫날, 오픈 사인을 걸고 아직 미비하지만 강태원 장로님 내외분과 손님을 맞이 하였습니다. 간판도 없는 가게인지라...
Rich's DAY!
Rich was happy yesterday! For many years, Rich called himself an "oven technician." He couldn't find a better job description for many...
Looking for this poster?
베다니 교회 학생들이 깜짝 이벤트를 준비하였습니다. 지난 수요일부터 금요일까지 풍성한 식사와 함께 마음을 울리는 찬양을 선물하였습니다. 선교회에 찾아오는 우리 이웃들에게 큰 은혜와 기쁨을 선사하였습니다. 이를 위해 모세 전도사님과 정진...
July Newsletter 7월 소식
Dear Hana Mission friends and family members, Mark and I went to Northshore Community Church yesterday, and they fed us, inspired us, and...
Giving ministry
Greetings in the Lord! Just a few days ago Paterson City had a horrific accident and a man in his 30s was killed and six others injured....
Dear friends of Hana Mission, $120/day is the average sale we had last week from the Paterson Store. And to break even, we need to make...
Churches are back!
Dear friends of Hana Mission, Churches are coming back! After two years of social distancing, one by one, churches are returning to serve...
Thank God and GCF
Serving the Lord and his people After two years of absence due to the pandemic, GCF is finally back, and as always, they are full of love...