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Thank you Lord for my garage!

Thank you Lord for my garage!

My body was covered with dust and sweat while organizing my garage.

House we just moved during the summer is slowly making a shape. Of all the spaces in this house I cherish this garage because I can worship my God while I work.

I have a small cross in the center of the work table.

There is also music to praise the Lord!

With my prayer and praise I feel the presence of the Lord constantly.

Thank you God for your presence in this dusty place!

Jesus said "Not one stone will be left top of another", referring to the temple where Israel had put their hope and identity.

Instead of knowing God whose essence is love, their objective of worship was mainly political and blessings in human sphere.

For heavenly Father, that temple was meaningless and its removal was God's action of justice and his love for Israelites.

Today we Christians and churches need to ask ourselves "what is our objective?"

Do we know who are our neighbors and how to love and serve them?

Without executing love of God for our neighbors we too will experience the removal of churches and its stones.

Why do we put hopes in the buildings when God is everywhere, even in my garage!

I would like to encourage churches and Christians find out who are our neighbors and put our treasures in serving them.

Buildings will pass away!

Buildings will cause troubles for its property value

Buildings will not guarantee faith of our children

The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

Hana Mission is here to love God

We are here to find out our neighbors and serve them in the name of Jesus Christ.

There are homeless, fatherless, motherless, atheist, Muslims, criminals, LGBT individuals, and all the races and ethnicity who need the love of God.

Hana Mission does not ask what do they believe.

We practice the love of God in his son's name Jesus Christ.

God is everywhere!

Christians, let us live our christian life not only within the church but also outside of the church!


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10 Marshall St. Paterson, NJ 07501

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