Hana's Garden - 하나 가든

몹시도 힘들고 어려웠던 기간이었습니다.
아직도 많은 분들이 고난의 시간을 극복하며 노력하는 모습을 볼때 하나님의 은혜와 긍휼이 속히 이분들께 힘을 더해주시기를 바랍니다.
아직은 이르지만 여러분께 꽃에 관한 뉴스를 보내드립니다.
선교회 파킹낫에서 하나 가든을 시작하였습니다. 하나님께서 창조하신 꽃과 식물을 통하여 위로와 치유 받으시기를 바랍니다.
It was one of the most difficult times for all of us.
Many people suffered physically and spiritually due to Covid pandemic.
However, I would like to remind you that our God is faithful and mighty. In spite of all these challenges our Lord has faithfully sustained Hana Mission and many of our friends.
We never stopped serving our needy friends around us. Although the service format has been changed a little bit, Hana Mission has been serving the community as always.

One good news in the midst of this troubling time is that Hana Mission has turned its parking lot into a garden. I don't have any experience in gardening and it's premature to bring a report to you. However, I would like to learn this down-to-Earth task and bring joy to the townspeople as well as Hana Mission supporters.
Please continue to support and pray for these.
1. We are still waiting to have a hearing with Paterson city to start a private school. Due to the pandemic there are backup applications and according to our attorney, Alan Mariconda, we don't have any hearing schedule yet.
선교회가 추진하는 사립학교를 위해 계속해서 기도 부탁드립니다.
2. Resume children's ministry. From the fall of 2021, we are praying for resuming children's ministry. We need to find volunteers and part time college students to have an after school program.
오는 가을부터 어린이 프로그램을 재개하려고 합니다. 필요한 인적, 물적 자원을 위하여
3. Support Hana's garden. Please share the news with friends and purchase the flowers and herbs from the garden.
하나 가든의 성장을 위하여

Thank you for your faithful support and prayer.
May the Lord turn his faith toward you and give you peace