One down, two to go
The first week is done, and two more weeks to go!
Thank you, everyone, for your prayers and support.
Beacon Church was a true blessing to everyone who entered Hana Mission.
In spite of their small bodies, their determination to serve the Lord and his people was clearly demonstrated.
Their ministry was stretched to the point of exhaustion, and as a father, I was a little bit concerned.
However, Pastor James and the leaders, Sebastian and Melany, did a great job in their ministry with their kids and with the campers from Paterson.
No one was hurt or had an incident; it was only their tiredness.

As I am entering the 60s in my physical age, I should start looking for someone to lead this ministry.
It was such a blessing to meet Pastor James, and, Lord willing, I would like to put someone like him in charge of Hana Mission someday.
I also shared my vision and purpose for the Hana Mission with the Beacon youth group and asked them to have a prayer chain.
Bethany UMC will send their youth, and the second week should begin tomorrow.
Please continue to pray for Hana Mission, the volunteers, and the campers.
Prayer request:
1. After-school program: one of the Paterson moms asked me if we would have the after-school program in the fall. Please pray with me that we will have enough financial resources and volunteers to operate this program.
2. Attorney to represent Hana Mission: Sometime in August, Hana Mission would submit the application for school. Please pray for this process.
3. The safety of Hana Mission and God's protection for everyone who enters Hana Mission.
Thank you for your prayers.
뉴욕에서 처음 히나선교회를 찾아온 등대교회가 일주일 사역을 잘 마치고 돌아갔습니다.
어린 아이들이지만 얼마나 열심히 선교회를 위하여 일하는지 정말 놀랐습니다.
여름 캠프 첫날은 2명의 아이들이 찾아왔지만 금요일은 10명으로 늘어나 아마도 캠프가 마치는 다음 주는 20여명으로 불어날 전망입니다.
이번 주는 웨인에 있는 베다니교회 중고등부 학생들이 패터슨 아이들과 함께 계속해서 캠프를 진행할
일주일 동안 등대교회 학생들과 패터슨 어린이를 위하여 일하시다가 너무 힘들어서 코피를 흘린 제임스 목사님께 감사드립니다. 오늘 하루 푹 쉬셔서 건강 되찾으시 길 기도합니다.
여러분께 다시 한번 기도 부탁드립니다.
1. 섬머 캠프가 다음주 까지 계속 진행 됩니다. 아이들의 건강과 봉사자들의 안전을 위하여 기도 해주세요
2. 선교회가 계획하는 학교 서류를 다음 달에 제출하려고 합니다. 이 일을 맡아줄 변호사와 건축에 필요한 자금을 위해 기도해주세요.
3. 가을부터 방과후학교를 오픈할 계획입니다. 운영에 필요한 자금과 봉사자들을 위해서 기도 부탁드립니다.
여러분의 기도와 후원에 감사드립니다.