10 Marshall St. Paterson, NJ 07501
Please include your name, address, and phone number
Bank Transfer
Set up One time / Monthly gift through your bank account
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Shop to Give
Go to smile.amazon.com to set Hana Mission as your charity and 0.5% of your eligible purchases will be donated to Hana Mission.

Become a Hananite

Don’t worry if your talent doesn’t match the opportunities listed below–
we are always open for suggestions.
Sunday praise and worship leader
Bible study leaders and adult GED tutors
Dental care provider
Thrift shop volunteers (pick-ups, sorting, sales, marketing, etc.)
Children’s ministry academic tutors and summer camp volunteers
Special activity sessions for children (e.g. career expo)
Please join our "KaKao Talk Open Chat" ( Members only)
Donate Items
Unused or gently used items at resale quality are collected and sold at our Thrift Stores to support our ministries. Donations can be made through the collection boxes are available at participating churches or directly by drop-off or pick-up.
Also, both children and adult ministries are always in need of specific items (i.e. pencils, books, etc). Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to donate items.
All donations are tax deductible in full or in-part.
Visit our Store page to learn more about our Thrift Stores.

Prayer Requests
Need more volunteers for Kids' Club and Study Hall
Conversion of brothers and to become soldiers of Jesus Christ.
2nd Thrift Store/Warehouse in Lodi
Purchasing of an apartment between Hana Mission and the parking lot